It has been a few years since my last update. I am sorry for this giant delay. Life has been a little chaotic these past few years and a website has not been on my priority list. Now as the dust settles and I get into a new groove I need to
Mar 22Hi Friends , Long time no blog ! Thought I should check in and give you some helpful wedding planning tips. Seems as though these questions come up time and time again and I thought I could maybe help your concerns with some frequently asked
Jan 20Hi Friends, I have not been on the website to blog in too long ! Seems as tho there is not enough time in my life to get it all accomplished ! With this new year I am going to try really hard to blog at least once a month . Please help me by
Apr 17It is prom time friends. Are you ready ? Have you had a promposal ? What is a promposal you ask , well let me tell you, it is one of the most important parts of the season , A promposal is where the girl or date is asked to
Jan 17Hi Friends , No one likes to talk about funerals and or memorials , but it is an every day occurrence . We celebrate life , new as in a new born baby and and in death as we say it is a celebration of a life well lived. I have a thing
Oct 16Good afternoon this beautiful fall day . Wanted to wish you all a happy fall ! I love days like today . Well we are coming off of our two busiest weekends to date and with that comes some tired and sore fingers, an achey back and hips and